The meaning behiind our logo
About the logo
The current club emblem was developed in 1995 with the underlying philosophy of cramming as much in as possible. t's been called "the busiest logo in world football" but we like it that way.
Briefly, here’s a description of the component parts which go to make up an emblem we hope will survive for a long time to come:
Club Colours: royal blue and white; the club’s Articles of Incorporation state that the club colours are actually red, white and blue, but the red seems to have disappeared.
Southern Cross (top left): symbolic of the fact that although Riversdale welcomes members from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds, we pride ourselves on being a local “Australian” club without any specific ethnic ties.
Gear Wheel / Cog (top right): emblazoned with the letters “G.K.” it represents the club’s beginnings as G. Kennon Soccer Club in the Industrial & Amateur League of Victoria.
Frog on the Soccer Ball: well, we had to include a soccer ball somewhere! With Frog Hollow Reserve as our home ground, we didn’t have to think too laterally for a mascot either. Especially when the frog has many attributes of the Riversdale players: athleticism, co-ordination, adaptability to varied conditions, a preference for liquid refreshment, tasty legs… okay, we’ll stop there.
Railway Tracks: early prototypes of the emblem had larger more vertically aligned track rails, and everyone kept asking “what’s the picket fence for?” Besides the fact that Frog Hollow is right next to the Alamein Railway Line, the tracks are included to symbolise progress and the club’s journey on to bigger and better things. Also, many opponents have commented over the years that “those Riversdale blokes are from the wrong side of the tracks”.
“RSC 1978”: The club’s only previous attempt at a logo was to celebrate its 10th Anniversary in 1988, and consisted of the letters R,S and C overlapping. We have re-jigged this concept somewhat and added the year the club was formed.
Olive Branches: the symbol of peace and friendship is included to represent the importance placed on the friendly and social atmosphere at the club.
Club Motto: after much argument and many varied suggestions revealing the paucity of Latin knowledge at the club, it was decided that “vires acquirit eundo” was the most suitable. Roughly translated it means “gathering strength as it goes”, quite appropriate considering the progress the club has made in a few (relatively) short years. This option as a motto was only a very narrow winner over the other main choice: “cogito sumere potum alterum”, which means “I think I’ll have another drink!”.

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Riversdale SC Club Song
(To the tune of The Caisson Song: “over hill over dale we will hit the dusty trail” etc.)
Over hill, over dale, we’re the boys (girls) from Riversdale,
And we play every game hard and fair.
In the mud, or the heat, we are always hard to beat,
At the end of the year, we’ll be there.
We are the team from The Hollow, the only one to follow,
The boys (girls) in the blue never fail.
One for all, all for one, we won’t stop until we’ve won,
We are the boys (girls) from... RIVERSDALE!